Sunday 29 November 2009

A change in direction?!?

Hi all!

Since our last post, our project has progressed a lot... where to begin?!?

Firstly, we created an online questionnaire which is up and running. We are getting some very positive feedback so far and some interesting comments for us to consider.

After this stage, Jen and myself met to research funding opportunities and decide which would be most appropriate for us to apply for. We also emailed some contacts we have in the PR industry to ask for their advice on funding. (We are still waiting to hear back from anyone)

Alongside this, we also emailed lecturers we felt would be beneficial to speak to about our project in terms of their expertise; this included Jon Hickman, a social media and web specialist. We wanted to hear his thoughts on the online network feature of the website and Alex (our web designer) in particular was interested in the feasibility of building the website and its features we propose in the time given for us to complete the project.

Jon was very helpful and told us about a similar website; Media Talent Bank. It is an online website with very similar features to ours and is funded by the university and created by Screen Media Lab. With none of us having heard of this website, Jon suggested we get in contact with the producers of it to discuss how the website was created and the challenges they came up against to educate our own project.

We took on Jon’s advice and got in touch with Screen Media Lab to arrange a meeting. We got a very prompt reply saying they were more than happy to meet and discuss Media Talent Bank. They also proposed a very interesting and exciting opportunity that may result in a change of direction for a project... the opportunity to manage Media Talent Bank for the duration of our project.

However, nothing is set in stone yet! We are meeting with Screen Media Lab tomorrow at 2pm so we shall see what comes of that and kick a few ideas around!

Will keep you updated on that...

With this potential change in the project, we have put the funding research on hold for the moment until we are clearer about the direction we are heading in. But we have started to put together a critical path analysis which will help us to determine what it is that our project involves and the stages in which it occurs.

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