Friday 5 February 2010

It's all systems go from here!


So, as Alex said we are getting to grips with the design stage for our new business structure, Trinket Creative...

Tomorrow is our first event for Media Talent Bank, it is a competition/workshop for up and coming Scriptwriters in Birmingham, and we have teamed up with MuckyDuckMedia! The competition is to help them find the best script possible, and start their all Birmingham based collaboration!

The day is going to consist of a workshop with the scriptwriters, who are bringing their submitted treatments along, and develop them throughout the morning. Then in the afternoon take part in a dragon's den type pitch and finally the winning script will be chosen!

As part of Media Talent Bank we want to create a template of how the site can run alongside networking events, workshops and professional collaboration.

We will keep you posted on how the day goes and upload footage and photos shortly so you can see the kind of things we want to host for you, as part of MTB.

Sooooo will update tomorrow.. fingers crossed everything goes smoothly!

Oooo and check out MuckyDuckMedia's blog:


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