Monday 8 February 2010

Mucky Duck Media's Scriptwriters event

So Saturday was a day out for Trinket Creative! We attended the Scriptwriters event organised by Mucky Duck Media and supported by ourselves. The aim of the day was to find a script for Mucky Duck’s short film project and for us, it was to observe how the day was structured and how useful these types of events are for those who came.

And overall... it was a great success!

Seven scriptwriters attended the workshop from 10-4pm which involved Arzhang Pehzman in the morning talking to the writers about pivotal moments in their scripts. He also set them tasks to summarise their scripts in a paragraph and then in a caption line to help them when pitching their scripts in the afternoon. The scriptwriters even had the chance to pitch one another’s scripts which made everyone familiar with the stories and characters.

We took a break for lunch around 12.30pm and headed over to the local pub for some food which was a nice change of atmosphere where everyone could have a relaxed chat about their love for writing scripts.

After lunch, it was time for the pitches! Andy Conway from Script Writers forum joined us and Catherine Edwards from Script to sit on the panel as well as Mucky Duck Media’s producer Alex Carruthers and director Adam Tyers. Everyone sat in on each other’s and supported everyone’s ideas by asking constructive questions.

Even though we are not involved with any television production or scriptwriting, it was really interesting to hear people’s scripts and follow their stories. We also got the opportunity to talk to the scriptwriters after the pitches to discuss how they felt the day went. It was great to hear that everyone enjoyed themselves and found the workshop really useful because they were actually being tested rather than being talked at. This is something to bear in mind for when we organise our own workshops and when looking for guest speakers who can offer that little bit more.

But like we have said, a very successful day and thank you to Mucky Duck Media again for giving us the opportunity to get involved. We also don’t envy them in having to decide in a final script as they were all great and offered something different.

A thoroughly enjoyable day that has given us some ideas for our own workshops!

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