Sunday 6 December 2009

Working the Birmingham Creative Scene...

Hi all,

As Jen has said our project has done a slight U-turn but for a much more exciting path, taking on Media Talent Bank will give us more scope to be creative. The background work has already been done and established so we can really use our research to make sure, that we make the site usable and appealing to our market. It also means our time can be spent on making it work rather than building the project, so overall its has been a great find.

One of the main things our research has brought to our attention, is that other similar projects and even Media Talent Bank, have lacked in PR and advertising amongst the target market. Through our research we have also found that networking seems to be a key way, to access the creative industries and get to know the different sectors. We have been trying to get into this scene by attending some networking evenings, with the opportunity to get some feedback on our idea.

I attended the RTS 'Breaking Into Broadcasting' talk at the University of Birmingham, where professionals from radio and television spoke about the best ways to get into the industry, and how they themselves got into the jobs they are in now. Many of the professionals spoke about student and graduate opportunities and how they like to see up to date CV's and portfolios of work. They said that one of the biggest turn-offs of a CV would be someone who had left uni and not carried on producing their own work. This I felt was an important point, as we originally proposed that our project would directly benefit students and graduates by aiding them in producing their own work, and finding relevant creatives to work with. This is an aspect of the site that could work really well, as it is something that Media Talent Bank don't currently do and a way we can evolve the site into something new.

I spoke to the panel and approached them on what they thought of the site, they gave some good constructive criticism in terms of, that they wouldn't necessarily use it for looking for students CV's as they get sent so many but they would be interested in the events and networking evenings and putting up work placement and job opportunities. This was an invaluable experience for me, as I learnt a great deal by speaking to the professionals in a professional context but also learning about their part of the industry, that I know nothing about.

We then went to the 'Producers Forum' re-launch event at Fazeley Studios in Digbeth, we wanted to go along for two reasons, networking and seeing how they constructed the re-launch. We didn't meet too many people as it was more of a formal event for producers in Birmingham, and not really for students. However, Dave from Media Talent Bank was there also and came to be a good opportunity to have a shared interest when we met for our meeting.
When we met with Dave and Sara from Media Talent Bank, they used the Producers Forum and the Animation Forum as examples of similar concepts that had really worked and got off the ground, which was also interesting as we now know more about them as models for analysis.

The event itself was good and it was good chance to have a look at the venue in the context we would use it. They had cupcakes which we loved! food, drinks and other than that there was some professional music provided and guest speakers. Overall, a great opportunity to have a drink and discuss ideas together!

Soooo this is our scouting the scene so far, will update with further progress. If anyone has any networking opportunities they think would be interesting please let us know.. and of course a final plug for our questionnaire..



Saturday 5 December 2009

Here is the link for the Media Talent Bank website:

Have a look and let us know what you think!
Hello all,

Things keep getting better and better for us! Over the last week, we have had a meeting with Media Talent Bank who asked us to take on the website and implement our ideas to the website. Originally we were unsure whether to take it on because we weren't sure if it would fulfil our assignment brief, but after speaking to our tutor Julie, we realised it would really benefit us to do it and now it means we have a real client we will be working for.

The website already exists and so we do not have the problem of starting a website from scratch. As well as this, Media Talent Bank want us to have most of the control on the website so we will be able to create extra features. The main aim of this is to get more people onto the site and so there will be a massive PR push throughout. We spoke to Media Talent Bank about the event we want to hold and they have funding which can go towards it. The event will be a re-launch and we discussed with Media Talent Bank about doing little networking evenings in the the run-up, varying from various sectors of the creative industry which will hope to generate more traffic to the site.

From our very positive meeting, we went away to draw up a new proposal with our aims and objectives for the project. We put forward most of our ideas that we had initially set for our website. Media Talent Bank will get back to us with ones we can and cannot do, although for some of them we will need to pitch our ideas to them so let's hope it goes well!

We hope to take over the website in January, so before then we have time to continue with our research. We have been sending out various questionnaires asking whether people would use a site like this and what they want from it etc. as well as continuing with the professional context and market research.

So things are looking good and we are all very excited to get the ball rolling. We have lots of creative ideas for the PR and alterations/additions to make to the site!

I think that is about all to report from our eventful week, so let's wait and see what is to come....bye for now x