Tuesday 11 May 2010

The BIG event!

Last night saw our big event with Media Talent Bank, and it was a huge success! We managed to pull in over 45 visitors and wide range of exhibitors.

There were jewellery designers, film producers, graphics and print designers, photographers and much more.. The event was held at the studio venues in the city centre, which proved to be a brilliant space and really looked after us well. The only tiny issue we had was transporting everything there! But we did overcome this with some good old fashioned strength.

The evening went really well, no major problems just a few little hiccups that could be expected but overall we managed it well. There was such a range of work on show from students to graduates and freelancers, even members with 20 plus years of experience, which meant everyone got something out the occassion.

Fingers crossed, all being well we can prove that taking the site offline is a much needed process in order to showcase people's work and get a feel for what they actually do and Media Talent Bank will hold more events like this in the future.

To see more of the exhibitors check out: www.mediatalentbank.com as there are profiles of them all up there!

Saturday 8 May 2010

Friday 7 May 2010

The Venue for MTB's exhibition

So on Wednesday we took a trip down to Orange Studios in Birmingham City Centre go over the final arrangements ready for Monday's exhibition and networking evening. Since then we have been putting plans together for where all the exhibitors will be situated within the venue.

The exhibitors include photography, illustration, graphic design, animation, film and jewellery and so there is lots to see, as well as the opportunity to network with professionals within the creative industry. We look set for it to be a great evening.

There is a great space to walk around the stands and to explore all that will be available on the evening!

Sunday 2 May 2010

Peter Horricks

Communicate Conference

Team Trinket went on a little road trip to London last week, to the 'Social Media in a Corporate Context' conference held by Communicate Magazine.

We were asked along by one of our lecturers, Jon Hickman in order to cover the day live, so to speak. Using social media tools such as Twitter, Youtube, AudioBoo and Posterous we uploaded content throughout the day. Our efforts were a great success and the debates carried on online a long time after everyone had gone home.

We had some great feedback from Andrew Thomas, the publisher from the magazine who said the we had achieved the objectives and managed to get people involved across all spectrums that couldn't make the day.

The day for us was really quite interesting, not only to experience a corporate conference alone but also hearing high profile speakers such as Peter Horricks - Head of Global and International News at the BBC discuss social media generally and the advantages and disadvantages of using it in a corporate sense as well as why he is encouraging his employees to use it.

Overall, was a triumph for us and the profile of Media Talent Bank from our live streaming from the day, a lot of our members are interested in social media so hopefully they got a lot out of it too!