Monday 29 March 2010

Social Media Workshop with Media Talent Bank

Last Monday we held our first workshop for Media Talent Bank. The workshop theme was Social Media, with Pete Ashton as our key guest speaker to inform us on ways to use social media and how he has used it within the creative scene in Birmingham. We also invited along Nicky Getgood who writes the blog Digbeth is Good, Simon Partington from Kinetic PR, Kate Hughes from Wolverhampton Homes and Alison Smith from Pesky People, to give their input on the use of social media. The workshop was a great success and as it was the first one, we aimed it at students studying creative degrees at Birmingham City University and due to the great feedback we received from the day, we hope that after our project Media Taloent Bank will be able to carry on in this direction.
To read a full write up of the day head over to Media Talent Bank.

Mucky Duck Media were there again to document the day - we'll get the video up as soon as it's ready!