Tuesday 11 May 2010

The BIG event!

Last night saw our big event with Media Talent Bank, and it was a huge success! We managed to pull in over 45 visitors and wide range of exhibitors.

There were jewellery designers, film producers, graphics and print designers, photographers and much more.. The event was held at the studio venues in the city centre, which proved to be a brilliant space and really looked after us well. The only tiny issue we had was transporting everything there! But we did overcome this with some good old fashioned strength.

The evening went really well, no major problems just a few little hiccups that could be expected but overall we managed it well. There was such a range of work on show from students to graduates and freelancers, even members with 20 plus years of experience, which meant everyone got something out the occassion.

Fingers crossed, all being well we can prove that taking the site offline is a much needed process in order to showcase people's work and get a feel for what they actually do and Media Talent Bank will hold more events like this in the future.

To see more of the exhibitors check out: www.mediatalentbank.com as there are profiles of them all up there!

Saturday 8 May 2010

Friday 7 May 2010

The Venue for MTB's exhibition

So on Wednesday we took a trip down to Orange Studios in Birmingham City Centre go over the final arrangements ready for Monday's exhibition and networking evening. Since then we have been putting plans together for where all the exhibitors will be situated within the venue.

The exhibitors include photography, illustration, graphic design, animation, film and jewellery and so there is lots to see, as well as the opportunity to network with professionals within the creative industry. We look set for it to be a great evening.

There is a great space to walk around the stands and to explore all that will be available on the evening!

Sunday 2 May 2010

Peter Horricks

Communicate Conference

Team Trinket went on a little road trip to London last week, to the 'Social Media in a Corporate Context' conference held by Communicate Magazine.

We were asked along by one of our lecturers, Jon Hickman in order to cover the day live, so to speak. Using social media tools such as Twitter, Youtube, AudioBoo and Posterous we uploaded content throughout the day. Our efforts were a great success and the debates carried on online a long time after everyone had gone home.

We had some great feedback from Andrew Thomas, the publisher from the magazine who said the we had achieved the objectives and managed to get people involved across all spectrums that couldn't make the day.

The day for us was really quite interesting, not only to experience a corporate conference alone but also hearing high profile speakers such as Peter Horricks - Head of Global and International News at the BBC discuss social media generally and the advantages and disadvantages of using it in a corporate sense as well as why he is encouraging his employees to use it.

Overall, was a triumph for us and the profile of Media Talent Bank from our live streaming from the day, a lot of our members are interested in social media so hopefully they got a lot out of it too!

Thursday 22 April 2010

Media Talent Bank networking event May 10th

Hello all, thought I would give the blog a little update on how things are going.

We have now announced our big event for Media Talent Bank. This is a creative networking evening taking place at Orange Studios on May 10th. After a few days of venue hunting it came down to a tough choice between Orange and the Old Library at the Custard Factory, but in the end we agreed on Orange. With it's built in theatre we can't wait to screen the selection of short films and animations we already have confirmed, plus they have a great rooftop garden - so fingers crossed for a perfect summer evening!

Along with screening Mucky Duck's short film 'Trainer', we've also had lot's of amazing submissions from creative talent in and around Birmingham - will be announcing the full list of exhibitors nearer the time, as there's still time to send us your submissions! Photographers, designers, animators, illustrators, filmmakers... if you're interested in exhibiting get in touch at trinketcreative@googlemail.com

In other news we'll be in London next Wednesday for Communicate Magazine's Social Media in Corporate Context conference. We'll be live blogging throughout the day, posting up photos, audio snippets and updates for anyone who can't make it down. So if you want to keep up with that, we'll be tweeting off Trinket Creative and Media Talent Bank, while posting everything through to our posterous blog for the day, which will all be found here > http://communicateconference2010.posterous.com

And that's all for now, will be sure to post up some pictures from our London trip, exciting!


Saturday 3 April 2010

Wow, what a week it was for Trinket Creative from Monday 22nd March!

Alex has already filled you in about the workshop so I hope what I say doesn't repeat it too much but this is a mini update on that jam-packed week!

On Monday, we held our first workshop for Media Talent Bank which was a great success. The theme of the workshop was social media because we felt this was a topical subject amongst all creative students. Time and time again, we are told by our lecturers we need to be using social media to network and make relevant contacts and many students are doing this already however, there are some that are either still unsure or just don’t understand it at all.

This is where our workshop played its part in giving the students an opportunity to ask the questions they have about social media, hear some advice and guidance from professionals as well as learn more about what Media Talent bank can offer them.

The professionals we invited to the event were social media savvy and respected individuals from the Birmingham’s online scene which included; blogger and photographer Pete Ashton, PR Account Executive Simon Partington, Wolverhampton Homes Communications Manager Kate Hughes, Pesky People Director Alison Smith and ‘Digbeth is Good’ blogger Nicky Getgood.

Throughout the afternoon, we encouraged people to tweet about the workshop using the #MTBworkshop hashtag.

The feedback we got from the students and guest speakers was really positive and it was great that Pete and one of the students blogged about the workshop afterwards which hopefully has spread the word about Media Talent Bank online.

Buzzing from the workshop, we met on Wednesday to discuss our next event which will be a networking evening. Until this point, we had put all our time and effort into the workshop so had little time to spend planning anything and subsequently agreed that we would have to put it back by a week. This will allow us to spend more time on making it a quality event which will involve members of Media Talent Bank showcasing their work for professionals to come and see.

So since the meeting, we have all been off doing our own bits of research for venues as well as collating contact lists for MTB members and professionals to get in touch with. We even managed to fit a night out to attend BrumTwestival, a social gathering of tweeters across Birmingham which was a chance to relax as well as meet new people and tell them about Trinket Creative and our project.

And to finish the week off on a high, we received a piece of online coverage for the workshop from Behind the Spin.... they are also keen for us to write a feature article about the workshop which will give us an opportunity to go into more depth about social media as well as Media Talent Bank. The university also published our press release both on the School of Media and BCU homepage which was great to have their support.

Hopefully, there will be more coverage to follow and that we will also gain some before the networking event to raise further awareness of Media Talent Bank!

As for now, we are all enjoying our mini easter breaks but it won't be long before we are back, working hard as the networking event requires more planning and preparation than the workshop but we are looking forward to the challenge.

Happy Easter!

Monday 29 March 2010

Social Media Workshop with Media Talent Bank

Last Monday we held our first workshop for Media Talent Bank. The workshop theme was Social Media, with Pete Ashton as our key guest speaker to inform us on ways to use social media and how he has used it within the creative scene in Birmingham. We also invited along Nicky Getgood who writes the blog Digbeth is Good, Simon Partington from Kinetic PR, Kate Hughes from Wolverhampton Homes and Alison Smith from Pesky People, to give their input on the use of social media. The workshop was a great success and as it was the first one, we aimed it at students studying creative degrees at Birmingham City University and due to the great feedback we received from the day, we hope that after our project Media Taloent Bank will be able to carry on in this direction.
To read a full write up of the day head over to Media Talent Bank.

Mucky Duck Media were there again to document the day - we'll get the video up as soon as it's ready!

Monday 22 February 2010

Progress so far...

Hello all,

Well, a lot has been happening over the last couple of weeks that we thought we should fill you in on. We had our meeting with Sara from Media Talent Bank to pitch our ideas and have the official handover. It went really well and she seemed to support the majority of our ideas which is a definite bonus as this is something we were quite concerned about.

Sara also gave us our budget for the project and this will cover the costs for the changes to the website, as well as the events we are hoping to hold in conjunction with re-launching the website.

From this we went away and put together a budget forecast and Jaime and Alex are meeting with Sara again on Wednesday to go through it.

We were a little unsure of what we needed to include and so we all did some research so we could get some rough estimates of where the money would be needed/spent. Alex met with Matt from MTB to go through the changes we want to make to the website and the feasibility of us being able to do it in time, within our specific budget. It turns out that our ideas are a little too ambitious and will be too expensive for us to afford. And so from this we are going to prioritise the changes we really want to make to the website because we want to make sure we have enough money to spend on the events.

As the offline aspect of Media Talent Bank is very important to the success of the website and how it functions, we want to spend more of the money on ensuring these events are a success. They will also be a taster of what is to come in the future with MTB even when our project is finished.

As you know, we want to hold a workshop mid March where there will be a chance for individuals to join and practice their skills. At the moment we are hoping to have two workshops going on at the same time but for different specialisms - all these details will be decided on Wednesday so watch this space for further information! The next event will be a networking evening which we will combine with the re-launch of the website. Professionals and students will be invited so they can integrate and learn more about the purpose of MTB. We are hoping to hold this towards the end of April.

We had the idea to hold another event at the beginning of May and when we were thinking of how to organise this we met with Caroline Officer at BCU who asked us to collaborate with an event she wants to hold on behalf of the Production Hub (which she has set up herself). Caroline's idea for the event is to use it as a networking day where professionals will attend but it is also a chance to showcase some of the third years work. Our responsibility will be to help organise and set up the event which is a great opportunity for our project but will also be brilliant coverage for MTB as there will be a lot of people from industry attending.

The event has been confirmed to take place on Thursday 6th May and plans are already underway so we will keep you posted on the work so far.

Caroline has been a massive help advising us on various aspects of the budget and organising the events which has been invaluable and will help us to really make the most of this opportunity to transform MTB.

This whole process has been opening up many opportunities and no doubt by the next time we fill you in on the latest news, the plans will have changed yet again. It is really great to experience the professional environment and how our original plans have developed into something so much better.

We are all really excited about how the project is going and it is very busy busy...but in a good way.

I think that is just about all for now, enough to keep us going for a while anyway!


Monday 8 February 2010

Mucky Duck Media's Scriptwriters event

So Saturday was a day out for Trinket Creative! We attended the Scriptwriters event organised by Mucky Duck Media and supported by ourselves. The aim of the day was to find a script for Mucky Duck’s short film project and for us, it was to observe how the day was structured and how useful these types of events are for those who came.

And overall... it was a great success!

Seven scriptwriters attended the workshop from 10-4pm which involved Arzhang Pehzman in the morning talking to the writers about pivotal moments in their scripts. He also set them tasks to summarise their scripts in a paragraph and then in a caption line to help them when pitching their scripts in the afternoon. The scriptwriters even had the chance to pitch one another’s scripts which made everyone familiar with the stories and characters.

We took a break for lunch around 12.30pm and headed over to the local pub for some food which was a nice change of atmosphere where everyone could have a relaxed chat about their love for writing scripts.

After lunch, it was time for the pitches! Andy Conway from Script Writers forum joined us and Catherine Edwards from Script to sit on the panel as well as Mucky Duck Media’s producer Alex Carruthers and director Adam Tyers. Everyone sat in on each other’s and supported everyone’s ideas by asking constructive questions.

Even though we are not involved with any television production or scriptwriting, it was really interesting to hear people’s scripts and follow their stories. We also got the opportunity to talk to the scriptwriters after the pitches to discuss how they felt the day went. It was great to hear that everyone enjoyed themselves and found the workshop really useful because they were actually being tested rather than being talked at. This is something to bear in mind for when we organise our own workshops and when looking for guest speakers who can offer that little bit more.

But like we have said, a very successful day and thank you to Mucky Duck Media again for giving us the opportunity to get involved. We also don’t envy them in having to decide in a final script as they were all great and offered something different.

A thoroughly enjoyable day that has given us some ideas for our own workshops!

Friday 5 February 2010

It's all systems go from here!


So, as Alex said we are getting to grips with the design stage for our new business structure, Trinket Creative...

Tomorrow is our first event for Media Talent Bank, it is a competition/workshop for up and coming Scriptwriters in Birmingham, and we have teamed up with MuckyDuckMedia! The competition is to help them find the best script possible, and start their all Birmingham based collaboration!

The day is going to consist of a workshop with the scriptwriters, who are bringing their submitted treatments along, and develop them throughout the morning. Then in the afternoon take part in a dragon's den type pitch and finally the winning script will be chosen!

As part of Media Talent Bank we want to create a template of how the site can run alongside networking events, workshops and professional collaboration.

We will keep you posted on how the day goes and upload footage and photos shortly so you can see the kind of things we want to host for you, as part of MTB.

Sooooo will update tomorrow.. fingers crossed everything goes smoothly!

Oooo and check out MuckyDuckMedia's blog:


Just a quickie...

So it's been a while since we last posted, but we've been busy busy! You'll be able to find us under the new name of Trinket Creative, we're working on our logo and website so will be keeping you fully updated.
In the meantime, we're now on Twitter, so start following for all our 140 character snippets!


Tomorrow we'll be hosting the script writers workshop together with Script and Mucky Duck Media, which Jaime will be blogging about shortly.

That's all from me for now,